Hi, I’m s187 >.<

  • I’ll be posting interesting stuff I’ve learnt related to reverse engineering and other things.
  • Feel free to read more about me in About Me section :)

IDA Config

Hi! This is my IDA config with few tweaks that I found useful. Both are located in ida_directory/cfg/ hexrays.cfg - Decompiler Config BLOCK_INDENT = 4 default = 2 // OLD if (statement) do_smth(); // NEW if (statement) do_smth(); RIGHT_MARGIN = 80 default = 120, as above MAX_NCOMMAS = 1 default = 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 // OLD if ( cond || ( x = *p, y = func(), x + y > 0 ) ) body; // NEW if ( cond ) goto LABEL; x = *p; y = func(); if ( x + y > 0 ) LABEL: body; DEFAULT_RADIX = 16 default = 0...

April 3, 2024 ยท 2 min